
Showing posts from 2020

Real Life Lessons from the Saints

"The saints did not see suffering as an obstacle but saw their suffering as opportunities" - Jon Leonette St Peter reminds me of the constant battle with Christianity and indeed with life in general. Imagine denying the lord three times, he was constantly in a mental battle, always questioning and doubting. These are real Life challenges that we face in today's life, but he reminds me that it's okay to mess up and that it's always worth it to get back up. St Theresa of Calcutta on the other hand reminds me of the spiritual darkness people face and also of perseverance. She reminds me that though now a saint, being human comes with spiritual darkness but at the end, perseverance remains key. Sometimes it's self inflicted troubles or sufferings at the hands of others. As St Teresa Avila famously replied God "if this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few" such a witty reply but she reminds me to have some humour though dealing



Isolate, but HEAL

By Amarachi Chima At a time like this, especially for my generation, it's difficult to just be home away from life on the fast lane. It's time to shutdown, isolate and social distance It seems like mother nature purges after every century, she reboots, she reminds us that we are still very much immortal, reminding us of what truly matters. At this time, we must love more, give more, reflect more. Appreciate life more and the things that matter the most. We must never forget the ones that sacrificed the most for us in times like this and also the ones that have lost out in this race. For we that will make it, May we tell of this history and educate the next generation of the battles we fought, from Boko Haram to Ebola and now COVID-19 May we most importantly teach them the lessons we learnt from all these. Like how we stood together yet apart to stop the spread, how we learnt to slow down, reflect, love, give and reboot. There are no assurances of tomorrow But in