On one of those days when I felt like just being in bed doing nothing, I decided to indulge myself with one or two stories from the bible. Well asides for prayer reason, I like to just read the bible, the stories and parables those I love almost the best. I just enjoy viewing it from the writers view. You should try sometime, read without the intent of praying, read like you were reading any other book.

So I was on the gospel according to Mark, chapter 20 to be exact, according to the good news version, the verse is titled " The workers in the vineyard". It's a very intriguing story about a man who hired workers to work on his vineyard for a silver coin a day. So on this day he hired different workers on the same day but at a different time but still for the same wage, which means a man that was hired by 10am and another who was hired at 4pm but ended at the same time would still earn the same amount, regardless of the amount of time put into work by the various individuals. Yes! I know what you are thinking, thats unfair, thats partiality, injustice e.t.c I thought the same too and if you read further down the chapter, verse 13 when one of the workers who started work earlier grumbled on his pay and the boss replied " listen, friend, ' the owner answered one of them,' I have not cheated you. After all, you agreed to do the day's work for one silver coin. Now take your pay and go home. I want to give this man who I hired last as much as I have given you. Don't I have the right to do as I wish with my own money? Or are you jealous because I'm generous? " I thought to myself after reading that verse, wow! such arrogance, but I thought again, truly he was right, that was the agreed amount, why then should there be a problem.

The worker who started word earlier felt displeased as to the structure of payment,, but I don't think it was jealously, I just feel he felt cheated, which is a logical way to put it, but then there was an agreement, the owner of the vineyard kept to his word and paid as required. This whole chapter truly explains the pidgin statement "No be by who start first"

Just like a fellow who buys his result and can clearly not defend it, and the other fellow who toiled for his. The latter gets a pretty good job and the other fellow get paid less. Life is unfair even from the beginning of time even this chapter says it all. It never gives you an ideal situation, it just gives you life and sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just won't be as successful as the other. So when life throws bitterkola at you, make freaking cough solution out of it. It is never an ideal world, only what you make it to be.

The story ended like this " So those who are last will be first, and those who are first will be last." won't that be a life's a bitch kinda talk. This story teaches a lot, from patience, to discipline, to endurance and the list goes on. You think because you are married first amongst your friends you would have kids first? Think again, or because you got into school first, you will graduate frist? think twice, or because you got a job first you will excel the most? Think hard again. Life is more of a mystery than you think. It is never always the way you want it to go.

So live well, try your best, be patient, and hopefully your story will be different.


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