Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

         Thank you, thank you for raising me different, thank you for teaching me what self love is, for teaching me to be content but also strive hard for what I believe in. Thank you for not raising me any different from my brothers for teaching me to respect the male folks but not thinking I'm any less for teaching me to be human first before being a girl.

For teaching me not to depend on no one else but myself, for teaching me not to wait for a man to provide for my needs or to make me happy. Thanks for teaching me the value for dignity of labour therefore teaching me never to compromise my womanhood for the next pay. For teaching me strength and rising up after a fall I say thank you. For making me realize that a good name is more precious than gold.

Thank you daddy for setting a standard on how queens and princess should be treated. For reminding me that settling for anything less than that standard is unacceptable. For teaching me that my dreams is just an action away from reality, I just have to be hungry enough for it.

Though this letter is to you daddy, I can't end this without thanking mum for standing by you when you thought me all of these. But I also want to thank her for teaching me the pride of womanhood and that sometimes silence is the best weapon I can be equipped with. So daddy I thank you for raising a princess.


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