The Chickened Eagle

I heard a story recently and its probably my best so far. It's about a man who was walking along the way and saw an egg, an eagle's egg and not being sure of what to do with it decided to take it home. He got home and put the eagle's egg in a nest where other chicken eggs were, the eggs hatched almost the same time. So the eagle grew up and did what chickens  do, they would play around and pick the earth scrambling for worms and  also try to fly just above the ground like chickens do and do basically chicken stuff. So one day when the eagle grew old,  a bird flew so graciously across the farm and the eagle asked, what is that flying so high in the sky, the chicken responded saying that's an eagle, the king of all birds so great and strong but don't worry about being like it because it's an eagle and we are just chickens. So the eagle lived and died a chicken. 

In life we get misplaced, we loose our way but the decision to move or change your present state is yours to make, if you decide to remain in our comfort zone and attain a limited goal, well that's on you. The greatest sin against humanity would be to refuse to aim high and miss but to aim low and hit... Have you being going round the same circle of saying I'd do it this time or I'll loose the weight or I'll let go of a habit but keep going back to it? You shame her or him that tried and failed? At least she left that zone and aimed higher.

Don't be a chicken, reinvent yourself, grow, make mistakes at least they will be your mistake.

Its been a while but the word addict is back!!!!


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