
Showing posts from January, 2017

THIS IS MY STORY BY Anyameluhor Augustine Chukwuemeka

                                                         EXODUS 33:19 In my room alone, I am asked to play this tune. It was an express catch on the net as I typed “Akon feat Big meech, Time is Money”. The loud blast off my woofer elevated my begins into an elated status, but was unexpectedly interrupted by a bang on my door. This was the beginning of an end.             I was brought up in an adorable background as my parents were ever supportive in all worthy ramifications of life. Very lucky indeed I grow up finding out we were not rich nor poor but contented with all we had. The least in a family of four siblings, we were known for our dogged pursuit to excel in whatever the task at hand may be. In 1997/1998 I joined my dad who had won a golden appointment (Because it was very much needed due to the uncertainties in his past appointment) in Abuja. That was the beginning of my deviation from good morals to unjustifiable woefulness. As it was for the five years of my mother’s


He asked why I miss you  I asked, why not? He asked if anyone can take your place I answered, hell no! He asked if he can try to meet up I asked if he could take a bullet for me He said Gosh! I'm jealous of the love you shared I said, this love, is worth being envied I dare not equate your love to that of Christ But then, He says love is the greatest of all So if you showed me love this true Then yes, I dare to say he loved me like Christ does Yes, I dare to say you loved me real good So no, no I'm no longer scared  No longer scared you ain't here no more Because I know Christ, I know Christ got me real good Dedicated to the one man that loved me unconditionally #RIPDADDY #3YEARSNOW


Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement - Berry LePartner It's okay to play safe but if you don't at least attempt life once, you will never know what is lurking behind the next door. Do not be afraid to give life a trial and when you fail, always remember to get right up. Life is full of experiences, go get yours today and remember never to  look at where you fell, but at where you slipped.


HOW A SEXUAL HARRASSMENT AT A JOB INTERVIEW BROUGHT OUT THE BEST IN ME The search for a job in my part of the world... well might not be like yours, but an average Nigerian can guess where I'm headed, simply put it is plain difficult and frustrating...  I was tired of staying at home, I wanted to feel productive, working  for my uncle at his security firm wasn't cutting it, it didn't feel like what I wanted to do with my life. Selling security gadgets wasn't what I wanted, I wanted more, I wanted the media job, yes that's what I wanted. So on this early Saturday morning, I reached out to a church member who works with one of the media houses for a favour and she gave me an information that a new T.V station just came into Abuja and they recruited the previous week but I can still try my luck by going there to apply. With so much hunger for a media job, I traced the office that same Saturday. I arrived the office with an open mind and if I wasn't taken, wel


#InspireASoulToday For a while, writing to me has been my way of channelling my emotions, my weaknesses and strength. And for a while I have been inspired to tell some of my stories, but I felt the need to reach out to people to hear their experiences. We are called to serve through different means all you need is to search deep and hear Him in the silence of His voice and you will figure things out. I believe this is how I have been called to serve. So I urge that you let me tell my stories and yours in turn, I urge you allow me help people that need a platform like this. All I want to do with this is help a fellow going through an issue but has no one to talk to, or a fellow that wants to share his experience. I ask you give me a chance to show you the world through my eyes and that of others that will intend to share. We are ready for the lift off and as I promised to start by telling my story, the first edition shall be published tomorrow and afterwards any other can fol


THERE IS UNITY IN ONENESS When you hold a stick of broom and try to break it, it's very easy. But when you try to break a bunch, well you know the story... When we learn to come together in peace, to help one another no force can easily break us.... Join me in telling a story of your weakness that brought out the strength in you.... Join the  # thewordaddict  tell a story   # HelpilInspireASoul # ThePowerofBound # TellAStory # TellYourStory # victorious Don't forget to send in your stories to


Perfection is what we strive for but sometimes it's okay to be imperfect, for in your imperfections unveils greatness. So yes it's okay to be flawed. I thought of where God has brought me to, through all the ups and downs, the pains, dark moments and crawling out of my demons, oh! yes i thought of how far life has gotten me and for all the fallen moments and great rises i'm most grateful. I want to tell a story and i hope i am able to inspire you, yes you reading this, i hope i can encourage you to believe in yourself when you feel at your lowest. Writing to me has been the best therapy ever, my way of letting out my rage in a positive way. This is why i want to use this to inspire people going through one challenge or the other, talk to me and i will listen. Give me a chance to tell your story about moments that pulled you down, the lessons learnt and how you are a stronger person now. And if you are still going through a depressing issue but want to talk to someon


"Today i choose to live, Today i chooose to live for me Today i say no I say no to hatred, to negativity I say no to toxic people  Today i choose peace of mind Today i choose to be happy" Sometimes we are at a fix, life drops you in the middle of an ocean surrounded by a mass of water, it feels like you are drowning. But in that moment of disarray there are two options, to either drown or to fight. The question is what shall you choose. In life you should never be afraid of falling because in every fall a new lesson is learnt, so as many times as you fall it is important to rise and dust yourself. For without pain you can't truly appreciate joy, without hate you can't appreciate love. No matter what you are going through believe me there are people that have it worse and there is always a better day ahead.  I ask you today not to let your worries drown you, i ask you today to choose to be happy regardless of all the worries and when life gives you


This morning while listening to my MVP song of the season which is Brymo's "SOMETHING GOOD IS HAPPENING" it got me thinking about a lot of stuffs. meanwhile, the euphoria the song gives is unexplainable and for someone that doesn't understand a word of yoruba, the dude sure did a great job with that piece. So yes it got me thinking of life and how you shouldn't forget to enjoy life even with all the hustle and bustle, it got me thinking of the lessons i have learnt from life....   In this life i have learnt a lot. 2016 thought me a lot, 2016 showed a beast that should never be unleashed again, and that is why i have learnt to live, to love, to hate, to eat and yes to have fun. I have learnt that some questions have no answers, that feeling hurt is just a part of living. I have learnt that not all friendships last forever, i have learnt to pick up the pieces and move on. I have learnt that a heartbreak doesn't actually kill, but above all, i have l


Roses are red Violets are blue You are my king But i'm the empire You make me smile Stay forever and a day Because for every puzzle You are my missing piece Love only makes sense with you  And together baby we will conquer So while we hover the seven seas The world shall see an imprint of our love...