
Showing posts from February, 2017


Hello nigga, I hope you are doing great, I also hope she is taking care of you pending my arrival. It's three days to my birthday and I have to spend another birthday without you, well I guess it is not time to unwrap my gift. But while I wait for you, I will keep living life. I can't promise not to kiss another fellow or not to give my heart to that nice guy I kinda thought was you., I can't promise to act by the book, "The African woman journal", because I was born to fly, and not to be confined by some rules but this doesn't mean I am a loose canon, I am just a rare breed of awesome. I can't promise to be the perfect wife, to kneel to greet or serve your meal or to ask your permission for every single thing. I have my lazy days but unlike my single days, I might not be able to afford it often so it can make me clumsy on some days and easily irritable on other days. I have my flaws but that makes up my beauty too, there are days I'll put too litt


                                                  SO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF                                                         USE THEM WISELY                                                               START BUILDING


Ever wondered why dinosaurs went extinct? Records states the last dinosaurs went extinct 65million years ago due to a trail of reasons such as climate change, diseases e.t.c long story short, it is a mystery no one really knows what happened. But I'll like to think they weren't strong enough to withstand evolution. I began to wonder how those giants weren't able to evolve while their lesser distant cousins the crocodiles remained till this day. MORAL OF THE STORY: your size doesn't determine your strength, greatness is in the mind The same goes for humans, we have grown so strong and evolved through time. Sometimes we have to shade our skin several times over again to suit the environment so it doesn't pull us down. Some might agrue that a leopard can never change its spot, so a person can never change its characters, but just as a snake sheds its skin to grow a new one, doesn't make the snake a different snake. It just means it is time to drop the o


Meeting you was by chance Knowing you by choice Rambling in this dance The ends shall hear the chants of our voice Our love, a gift from santa With your lost looking face  That night a gift like manna But in this, I'm ready to race Not for your love, because that I have But for a life with endless laughs With you to settle comes like nature With you to settle is my pleasure.                                                  The Undiluted 


No matter how down things get, never stop moving


It is not all that are living that are alive. We have two options; To live through life  To let life live through you They say life is a teacher, but the rue teacher is experience. Someone once said, " There are three types of people in this life" The Wise Man: One who learns from people's errors without having to make the same errors. The Average Man: One who after has experienced someone's errors, let himself go through the same cycle and make the same errors. The Foolish Man: One who experiences an event hundred times over again bu learns nothing          Which ever group you belong, the following steps are guides to a better life; Prayer: Whoever you call your God, always seek guidance Take Charge: It is key to always take control of situations,take responsipility when you fail but always rise. Learn from past experiences Nothing is Perfect: It's key to always remember that nothing is perfect, even the life we live in Assess Your


The pieces are beginning to come together. The pain, the tears, the cause and the beginning. Problems were self inflicted, so no this is no pity party or fingers pointing. I did this to myself, I let the pain and loss get the best of me. I have chosen to use an alias not because I am ashamed of my story but because I have a lot of people to think of while writing this, but I'm grateful for a platform as this that allows me pour it all out. My name is Amanda Peters and this is my story... It all began at age 21 when the rage, bitterness and disappointments pushed me to my 8th victim, it felt like body counts just as a serial killer counts his victims. But as I said, this isn't a story about a victim but a survivor, it is about a fellow who has fallen, crawled, fallen again  and is gradually crawling back out of her demons. Twenty-one might become the number, a very special one, not because I take pride in my fall but because it takes a victor several falls to become a con


You call her weak, tired, dirty Simply because of the colour of her skin You call her her rough, proud, arrogant Simply because you do not understand her being You laugh and point fingers  You say she knows nothing But I am great, mighty,strong No, your ridicule cannot belittle me I am the Nile, the Niger The source of your water Yes I am the great Iroko The source of your fine timber I am big, bold and beautiful I am black and proud I am the essence I am Africa


  The journey of life begins at birth, so your experience ends at your  death... Learning to live, love and appreciate the little things should be as important as feeding your body or quenching your thirst because these experiences feed the mind. Dj Lucy said something in our 60 second's of fame, " A child needs in their bank of knowledge please, sorry and thank you" to get the best out of life.  This got me thinking of all the times I learnt to give, love and appreciate the tinniest things in life through the many ways I watched my folks treat others and as a little child I did not understand why they did all of those things, such as showing love to total strangers through their many acts. And now growing up, I realise what those subconscious impacts have on my life. We pay less attention to life the teacher but struggle to study and get good grades in school and not like that is a bad thing but building our mind through the untaught lessons is also very key.  &quo