The journey of life begins at birth, so your experience ends at your death... Learning to live, love and appreciate the little things should be as important as feeding your body or quenching your thirst because these experiences feed the mind. Dj Lucy said something in our 60 second's of fame, " A child needs in their bank of knowledge please, sorry and thank you" to get the best out of life. 

This got me thinking of all the times I learnt to give, love and appreciate the tinniest things in life through the many ways I watched my folks treat others and as a little child I did not understand why they did all of those things, such as showing love to total strangers through their many acts. And now growing up, I realise what those subconscious impacts have on my life. We pay less attention to life the teacher but struggle to study and get good grades in school and not like that is a bad thing but building our mind through the untaught lessons is also very key. 

"No man is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite". Says the famous Nelson Madiba Mandela.
So next time you scream at your maid for missing that tiny spot of dirt on the shelf or treat a person unjustly for being too dumb or too poor or way below your class, do not forget a child is watching. In a society where love is abused, greed is surplus and values are no longer cherished I urge that we try to live a positive subconscious impact on these children because they are watching. They say we are merely taugh in school than educated, this is to say that we learn mostly from our environment. 

My name is Amarachi Chima and I am proud of the subconscious impact I got growing up.



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