Image result for future husband
Hello nigga, I hope you are doing great, I also hope she is taking care of you pending my arrival. It's three days to my birthday and I have to spend another birthday without you, well I guess it is not time to unwrap my gift. But while I wait for you, I will keep living life. I can't promise not to kiss another fellow or not to give my heart to that nice guy I kinda thought was you., I can't promise to act by the book, "The African woman journal", because I was born to fly, and not to be confined by some rules but this doesn't mean I am a loose canon, I am just a rare breed of awesome.

I can't promise to be the perfect wife, to kneel to greet or serve your meal or to ask your permission for every single thing. I have my lazy days but unlike my single days, I might not be able to afford it often so it can make me clumsy on some days and easily irritable on other days. I have my flaws but that makes up my beauty too, there are days I'll put too little salt or much pepper in our meal and it will taste not as good as usual and days when our room will be unkept. I can't promise to be good and submissive every single day, I can't promise to go by the book because I wasn't built that way. I can't promise you blissful days and peaceful nights and a swell marriage every passing day, I'd be too tired to cater to you like I should, days I'd doze off on the couch, days we will fight and I will be too proud to ask for forgiveness regardless of who is at fault. I can't promise to always be the ideal wife, so I hope you won't give up on me, I hope you will be my right when I am wrong and tolerate my excesses because I know and I'm sure I can promise to be your backbone, the balm that soothes you on stomy days, and the comfort on rough nights, your ride or die. To be your loyal queen when the chips are down, to love you at your lowest. To never give up even when it seems the easiest choice to make and to follow you just as you follow Christ.

I can promise to be me, undiluted, unscripted, to be that special kind of crazy because at the end of it all, all of these are the reasons you chose me and not the lady tending to your needs pending my arrival.

Yours Always,
Your very own dose of crazy, your wife.

P.S: I Love You (XOXO)


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