Ever wondered why dinosaurs went extinct? Records states the last dinosaurs went extinct 65million years ago due to a trail of reasons such as climate change, diseases e.t.c long story short, it is a mystery no one really knows what happened. But I'll like to think they weren't strong enough to withstand evolution. I began to wonder how those giants weren't able to evolve while their lesser distant cousins the crocodiles remained till this day.
MORAL OF THE STORY: your size doesn't determine your strength, greatness is in the mind

The same goes for humans, we have grown so strong and evolved through time. Sometimes we have to shade our skin several times over again to suit the environment so it doesn't pull us down. Some might agrue that a leopard can never change its spot, so a person can never change its characters, but just as a snake sheds its skin to grow a new one, doesn't make the snake a different snake. It just means it is time to drop the old ways and fit into the skin that suits the environmemnt. We must learn to evolve when necessary so the woes of this world don't swallow you. Always remember, your worries are never bigger than your God.



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