
Showing posts from 2017


A poem composed by Awesome Kids Academy's reading club.  By Chinaza David (Yr2) and Daniella Daniel (Yr 4)   I am tender, delicate and special Treat me nice and teach me right I am the twinkling stars at night, without me, there ’ ll be no light. I am the green grass,  The waters of the niger, I am bold, great and beautiful. The jewel of the savannah, that ’s who I ’m Special, So special,  That ’s what I am.

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,          Thank you, thank you for raising me different, thank you for teaching me what self love is, for teaching me to be content but also strive hard for what I believe in. Thank you for not raising me any different from my brothers for teaching me to respect the male folks but not thinking I'm any less for teaching me to be human first before being a girl. For teaching me not to depend on no one else but myself, for teaching me not to wait for a man to provide for my needs or to make me happy. Thanks for teaching me the value for dignity of labour therefore teaching me never to compromise my womanhood for the next pay. For teaching me strength and rising up after a fall I say thank you. For making me realize that a good name is more precious than gold. Thank you daddy for setting a standard on how queens and princess should be treated. For reminding me that settling for anything less than that standard is unacceptable. For teaching me that my dreams is just

How She Makes Him Feel

I think that I might fly away, in my hot air balloon, And hide from worldly worries on the dark side of the moon; There’s but one thing I need before I float into the blue: I need a sky companion and I want it to be you. We’ll fly beyond the storm clouds and we’ll watch from up above, I’ll cover you in rainbows as we feel each others’ love; You’ll shower in the stars at midnight in our special place, I’ll dry you with a comet’s tail and kiss your beaming face. Dreamy drifting panorama, changing every day, Every night your loving smile will be my milky way, The moon will wane before us, sailing there in heaven’s height, For nothing else can challenge our love’s everlasting light. Venus shining on us, glowing soft at our devotion, Our daily drifting dalliance in love’s celestial ocean, I’ll write you lovers’ poetry, and you will be my muse, Orion and Andromeda will oversee our cruise. We’ll sleep with clouds as pillows, maybe steal an angel’s wings, Then fly as magic


A snake penetrated into a carpentry workshop.  As it slipped, it passed over a saw and got slightly wounded. Suddenly, it turned and bit the saw, and biting the saw, the snake seriously got wounded in its mouth! Then not understanding what was happening and thinking that the saw was attacking "him," it decided to roll around the saw to suffocate it with all its body by squeezing it with all its strength, but it ended up being killed by the saw!!! Ignorance is worse than lack of knowledge. Hate can do nothing but love can transform. Many a times we react so quickly in anger to hurt those who have harmed us, only to realize that it us that hurt the most In life it is better sometimes to ignore situations, ignore people, ignore their behaviors, their words because knowledge is knowing what to say but wisdom is knowing when to say it. Do not let hate take over your life because love is stronger than anything. Be wise . We need to learn to let go because according Mahat

When things fall apart the centre can not stand


I fly into your eyes like a moth skirts another dance around the perimeter of torch flames like on subtitles at foreign matinees, my eyes on yours are spellbound like the pleading of crying violins your voice finds the path to my deepest soul like crème brûlée lingering on my tongue, I want to taste more of your kisses ...and your love, like soft on silk, red on roses and sweet on youth leaves its permanence upon my heart

To The One That Lost Me

Hard as a rock, all in as a tuck   Cold was the touch when you left me out on the street  The freedom, the love, large as a fleet  You want to be the king of the blacks You ended up shooting me, the rubber slacks  I caught myself sobbing on missing you  Family is a tree, they groom me through  I thought I found a family in you,  My mistake cos you know nothing about family  We were about to roar like a lion Same you pushed me to the wolves  I came back as an Alpha, my voice is the choice The drama you play, I had to stop laughing at the jokes  To them feelings you brought me that I don’t want to feel again I said my goodbye to them so your drama can go round them niggers That’s got the nod for you in their knickers   Three diggers now, you deserve ‘em ass kickers  I shouldn’t know, I didn’t say, watch your inner caucus  See now, my Alpha leading lions and locust  The days you feeling lonely, I am not alone No one can break this heart of stone  -OS

Leave Mother Nature Alone

In a while writing has been hardwork because I had no drive, but of recent my thoughts has been inspired by Prince  Ea 's mantra on our environment, deforestation and extinction of wildlife... Now this sounds so simple and maybe not your current personal worries but what happens tomorrow when there are no trees to give us oxygen and store up carbon? It then will become our problem because extinction of the human race is likely to occur.  So I did some findings and according to the world resources institutue analysis,  an area the size of 50 football pitches is cleared of forest somewhere in the world every minute of every day. Now its not just the trees that are going, but the natural habitant of these wildlife. They need a certain type of environment to survive and just like we humans do. lets picture this, we are mammals which means our natural habitant is on land, away from water, imagine if a great flood over took the whole earth, how many of us do you think will survive?


Early childhood educators have one of the most rewarding and tasking jobs. They are in charge of preparing young minds for the challenges and opportunities discovered as they embark on their educational careers. I like to say we make or break them because if the foundation is weak, the house will eventually fall. A day has twenty-four hours; the appropriate sleep time for a preschooler is between 10 to 13 hours but averagely between 8 to 9 hours of sleep. Now let’s minus 10 hours from 24 hours, we are left with 14 hours of conscious time with these children, lets split 14 hours into two halves. The school is responsible for one half or slightly more active time than the parents and well you have the other 7 hours or slightly less with your child. The question is, what do you do with those hours? It is true that the school has a great role to play in the academic success of a child but it is also true that it takes a village to raise a child. Now this simply means that it’s a paren


There was a study done on 100 dying people and the question was what are your biggest regrets? majority of them didn't regret the things they did but the things they did not do, the life they never went after, the risks they never dared to take. life throws a lot of things at us but what do we make of those moments? Most of us aren't scared of dying but of the fact that we never truly lived. living is not just going to work, waiting on month end, the salary and the endless cycle over again. Take risks, go places, fall in love, get hurt, love again, take that leap and hope your wings doesn't fail and even if it does, you will have stories to tell, dreams that came to reality. That is what life is, lets not forget the haters, but don't be scared for stars can't shine without darkness. Worry less about things especially the things you don't have the power to change, even this verse confirms it    “Therefore I tell you,  do not be anxious about your life, what


I give only affective piece, so enjoy. 1. *Respect 3 People* *. Teachers *. Parents *. Elderly 2. *Keep 3 things in you* *. Honesty *. Faith *. Good Deeds 3. *Free yourself from 3 things* *. Arrogance *. Cheating *. Debt 4. *Have control of 3 things* *. Tongue *. Anger *. Soul (Self) 5. *Save yourself from 3 things* *. Bad deeds *. Backbiting *. Jealousy 6. *Obtain 3 things* *. Knowledge *. Manners *. Godliness 7. *Keep 3 things pure* *. Body *. Clothes *. Thoughts 8. *Remember 3 things* *. Your Creator *. Death *. Heaven & Hell


Written by Amarachi Chima Presented by David Gyan, a 9year old in year 6 at Awesome Kids Academy, Gwarinpa, Abuja. I’m not here to go against the saying that says education is the key But we live in a time where knowledge is judged by English language, and intelligence by grades. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Richard Branson,  These are few of the richest men on earth today They have one thing in common they all dropped out of the university. And so I wonder, is EDUCATION truly the Key? To me regardless of a formal education,  The key to everything we do is dedication, hardwork and consistency


No man was made perfect, but we can only strive to be, even angels are not perfect if not why is Lucifer and the other fallen angels where they are. One mistake can cost you a lot but one mistake can also save you a lot, God isn't looking for a perfect being if not he wouldn't leave 99 sheep in search of one lost sheep. From every mistake there is a moral don't be too angry or frustrated at the person or yourself to see it. As I said God didn't make us to be angels, stop trying to be one, He made you a being with all the flaws for without hate you can't appreciate love, without sadness you truly can’t know joy, without troubles you can't understand peace of mind. I believe in peace, I believe in one true God, I believe in love, I believe in forgiveness. Sometimes it’s not that we can't forgive but our pride takes the best of us and I have seen it bring down kings, queens and empires. So today at this very moment let go of the pains, worries and had I kn


By Amarachi Chima We live in a time Where beauty is judged by complexion  And intelligence by English language where independence is good but as a lady not so good We live in a time where deaths are more celebrated than life where short cuts are encouraged And decorated thieves celebrated Oh we live in a time where love has no meaning, so deceit becomes ok How then do you teach my generation and those below That honesty is the best policy when looters walk free When these leaders we look up to drag their names through mud Or is leadership no longer by example? Is a good name no longer better than gold? We no longer want to be leaders of tomorrow Please make us leaders of today We no longer want to watch your corrupt ways Please teach us right Feed us with substance that will last.


So I read this awesome post by a friend and I had to ask her permission to share and she gave it. So enjoy a good read my lovely readers A lot of ladies complain that guys walk away from them simply because they refused to give them sex, some are even tempted to give away their virginity just to keep the guys. Let me be very blunt here. Virginity may not be the real reason the guys go away. Yes, no doubt, there are several guys who want sex, and if they don’t get it they walk away. The problem may not be with the virginity or the sex. The story of the Ten virgins in the Bible reveals that both the wise and foolish were both virgins, the other five were not refused from seeing the bridegroom because they were virgins or because they lost their virginity, but because they were foolish; they were called foolish because they had no EXTRA OIL. Most ladies don’t have any EXTRA OIL to sustain any relationship. While many brag about their virginity, that is all they have to offer, the


All the animals on earth now, found its way into the ark. When God told Noah to bring in animals into the ark, the snail was one of those animals. If God could wait for the snail to get into the ark regardless of its pace, he hasn't given up on you so don't give up on yourself. Keep moving no matter how heavy the load is. #Progress


I read this earlier today and I thought it was worth sharing. Enjoy 1. Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide. 2. People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions. 3. When someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones. 4. Take whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath. 5. In this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success. It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge. 6. Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful. 7. There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat. 8. A path without obstacles leads nowhere. 9. Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay. 10. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking abo


Dear Daddy, My daddy of life, I thank you for loving me unend, for every new slate I get to start again.I haven't been the best of me and this is not me trying to make excuses but it's maybe because no man is perfect. I thank you for loving me when I couldn't love myself and not gettting tired of me in moments I feel even tired of myself. Daddy, we all fight our demons daily so I beg for your strength to fight mine because sometimes I let it get the best of me and sometimes you don't come in, maybe because that's how you want it for your might to be revealed at the end. so when I can't trust myself daddy give me the strength to trust you. In moments I feel the desire of a fatherly warmth dad reach out and hold me so close, and when fear tries to get the best of me, may I never forget my dad is the strongest. Teach me dad to always look to you even when it's easier to just look away. When I'm lost please find me and draw me close to you, and when it se


I thought it was chocolate or the crush I had for Rambo but till I met you, I sure knew it had to be you. The way you make me feel some kinda way, I just can't help it and when I try not to think of you, its like my mind leaves my body and takes control of itself. It thinks of you when I try not to and when I do the pleasure I feel..... goshhh!!!!, it makes me wonder why we can't like what we like without feeling guilt sometimes. I'll never be allowed to have you but at least in the midst of busy eyes I'll steal some glances and hope you catch one of them.


*THE PROFOUND LETTER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN TO HIS SON'S TEACHER.* *"TEACH HIM TO KNOW THAT IT IS MORE HONOURABLE TO FAIL THAN TO CHEAT"* *Abraham Lincoln, wrote this letter to his son's teacher when his son joined school:* *“ My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. The adventure may probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live his life will require faith, love and courage.* *So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know. Teach him – gently, if you can, that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true.* *Teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.* *Teach him if you can, that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar


 When Jesus Christ is your model, your life becomes attractive


It wasn't perfect but it was good enough, it wasn't all fairy tales but real enough and that's how she knew it was time, that's how she knew it was time to accept her reality, to let go, to move on. Life being itself served her with tons of experiences and for everyone, there was a lesson learnt regardless of how roughed up she came out. Her soul is searching for a  place that might not even exist, in her scary little world she finds rest but only from the one that can satisfy the human desires. No more careless actions, no more scary thoughts about losing, no more... For every fall, she gains new strength, leaving pieces of people she used to be. 








On one of those days when I felt like just being in bed doing nothing, I decided to indulge myself with one or two stories from the bible. Well asides for prayer reason, I like to just read the bible, the stories and parables those I love almost the best. I just enjoy viewing it from the writers view. You should try sometime, read without the intent of praying, read like you were reading any other book. So I was on the gospel according to Mark, chapter 20 to be exact, according to the good news version, the verse is titled " The workers in the vineyard". It's a very intriguing story about a man who hired workers to work on his vineyard for a silver coin a day. So on this day he hired different workers on the same day but at a different time but still for the same wage, which means a man that was hired by 10am and another who was hired at 4pm but ended at the same time would still earn the same amount, regardless of the amount of time put into work by the various individ


Hello nigga, I hope you are doing great, I also hope she is taking care of you pending my arrival. It's three days to my birthday and I have to spend another birthday without you, well I guess it is not time to unwrap my gift. But while I wait for you, I will keep living life. I can't promise not to kiss another fellow or not to give my heart to that nice guy I kinda thought was you., I can't promise to act by the book, "The African woman journal", because I was born to fly, and not to be confined by some rules but this doesn't mean I am a loose canon, I am just a rare breed of awesome. I can't promise to be the perfect wife, to kneel to greet or serve your meal or to ask your permission for every single thing. I have my lazy days but unlike my single days, I might not be able to afford it often so it can make me clumsy on some days and easily irritable on other days. I have my flaws but that makes up my beauty too, there are days I'll put too litt


                                                  SO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF                                                         USE THEM WISELY                                                               START BUILDING


Ever wondered why dinosaurs went extinct? Records states the last dinosaurs went extinct 65million years ago due to a trail of reasons such as climate change, diseases e.t.c long story short, it is a mystery no one really knows what happened. But I'll like to think they weren't strong enough to withstand evolution. I began to wonder how those giants weren't able to evolve while their lesser distant cousins the crocodiles remained till this day. MORAL OF THE STORY: your size doesn't determine your strength, greatness is in the mind The same goes for humans, we have grown so strong and evolved through time. Sometimes we have to shade our skin several times over again to suit the environment so it doesn't pull us down. Some might agrue that a leopard can never change its spot, so a person can never change its characters, but just as a snake sheds its skin to grow a new one, doesn't make the snake a different snake. It just means it is time to drop the o


Meeting you was by chance Knowing you by choice Rambling in this dance The ends shall hear the chants of our voice Our love, a gift from santa With your lost looking face  That night a gift like manna But in this, I'm ready to race Not for your love, because that I have But for a life with endless laughs With you to settle comes like nature With you to settle is my pleasure.                                                  The Undiluted 


No matter how down things get, never stop moving


It is not all that are living that are alive. We have two options; To live through life  To let life live through you They say life is a teacher, but the rue teacher is experience. Someone once said, " There are three types of people in this life" The Wise Man: One who learns from people's errors without having to make the same errors. The Average Man: One who after has experienced someone's errors, let himself go through the same cycle and make the same errors. The Foolish Man: One who experiences an event hundred times over again bu learns nothing          Which ever group you belong, the following steps are guides to a better life; Prayer: Whoever you call your God, always seek guidance Take Charge: It is key to always take control of situations,take responsipility when you fail but always rise. Learn from past experiences Nothing is Perfect: It's key to always remember that nothing is perfect, even the life we live in Assess Your


The pieces are beginning to come together. The pain, the tears, the cause and the beginning. Problems were self inflicted, so no this is no pity party or fingers pointing. I did this to myself, I let the pain and loss get the best of me. I have chosen to use an alias not because I am ashamed of my story but because I have a lot of people to think of while writing this, but I'm grateful for a platform as this that allows me pour it all out. My name is Amanda Peters and this is my story... It all began at age 21 when the rage, bitterness and disappointments pushed me to my 8th victim, it felt like body counts just as a serial killer counts his victims. But as I said, this isn't a story about a victim but a survivor, it is about a fellow who has fallen, crawled, fallen again  and is gradually crawling back out of her demons. Twenty-one might become the number, a very special one, not because I take pride in my fall but because it takes a victor several falls to become a con


You call her weak, tired, dirty Simply because of the colour of her skin You call her her rough, proud, arrogant Simply because you do not understand her being You laugh and point fingers  You say she knows nothing But I am great, mighty,strong No, your ridicule cannot belittle me I am the Nile, the Niger The source of your water Yes I am the great Iroko The source of your fine timber I am big, bold and beautiful I am black and proud I am the essence I am Africa


  The journey of life begins at birth, so your experience ends at your  death... Learning to live, love and appreciate the little things should be as important as feeding your body or quenching your thirst because these experiences feed the mind. Dj Lucy said something in our 60 second's of fame, " A child needs in their bank of knowledge please, sorry and thank you" to get the best out of life.  This got me thinking of all the times I learnt to give, love and appreciate the tinniest things in life through the many ways I watched my folks treat others and as a little child I did not understand why they did all of those things, such as showing love to total strangers through their many acts. And now growing up, I realise what those subconscious impacts have on my life. We pay less attention to life the teacher but struggle to study and get good grades in school and not like that is a bad thing but building our mind through the untaught lessons is also very key.  &quo

THIS IS MY STORY BY Anyameluhor Augustine Chukwuemeka

                                                         EXODUS 33:19 In my room alone, I am asked to play this tune. It was an express catch on the net as I typed “Akon feat Big meech, Time is Money”. The loud blast off my woofer elevated my begins into an elated status, but was unexpectedly interrupted by a bang on my door. This was the beginning of an end.             I was brought up in an adorable background as my parents were ever supportive in all worthy ramifications of life. Very lucky indeed I grow up finding out we were not rich nor poor but contented with all we had. The least in a family of four siblings, we were known for our dogged pursuit to excel in whatever the task at hand may be. In 1997/1998 I joined my dad who had won a golden appointment (Because it was very much needed due to the uncertainties in his past appointment) in Abuja. That was the beginning of my deviation from good morals to unjustifiable woefulness. As it was for the five years of my mother’s